Germann Auctionhouse Zurich
Important International Prints, Portfolios and Multiples (A - Z)
Tuesday, 24 May 2011, 05:30 pm

Dieter Roth, Snow

Lot 245

Dieter Roth, 1930-1998 (CH)

Snow, 1970

Multiple. Book binding of the book object "Snow", coated corrugated cardboard with 2 squashed and with wax coated light bulbs, mounted on cardboard support.
H 225 mm W 395 mm.

(Frame). Twice signed and dated. Edition: 100 copies.

CHF3'200 / 3'600
EUR2'800 / 3'100
USD3'400 / 3'900

Hammer Price: CHF 3'100


Partially split-off on the wax coating. Corrugated cardboard with handling creases.

Literature: Roth 44.

Annotation: The work was originally a book. 100 copies were transformed into the author designed multiple.

Printer: Staib + Mayer, Stuttgart;
Publisher: Verlag Wasserpresse previous Edition Hansjörg Mayer Stuttgart, London, Reykjavík.